Getting your kit together

Space Infantry Resurgence is a very fun solo game but the contents of the core box and expansion can be quite daunting to sort through. There are quite a lot of cards, mission maps and variants and coming to grasp with what you need to play can be a bit of a problem. Especially if... Continue Reading →

Space Infantry Squad sheet

Part of playing a campaign game in Space Infantry, and any campaign system really, is tracking your troops. Space Infantry comes with several PDF and print Campaign and Squads sheets that you can use during your games. They are perfectly serviceable but I tend to like putting these types of things into a spreadsheet, Numbers... Continue Reading →

Space Infantry thoughts

I have been playing a few games of Space Infantry from Lock 'n Load Publishing lately. It is a solo sci-fi 'dungeon crawl' that uses counters instead of miniatures. I was moderately interested in the game when the first edition was available but never pulled the trigger and picked it up. The new version continues... Continue Reading →

Out of Time and Ammunition

The map I am currently playing a World at War 85 scenario but I will soon be also playing another Nations at War scenario from Desert Heat. In advance of that game I thought I would post some comments about the map, the units and some possible strategy. Out of Time and Ammunition pits the... Continue Reading →

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