Boromites assemble!

Tonight seemed as good a time as any to start assembling some of the models for my new Beyond the Gates of Antares army. I will be building and painting a Freeborn Privateer army and a large part of that force will be the Boromite teams that accompany or work with the Freeborn pirates.

The first two squads are Boromite Work Gangs that are armed with Mass Compactors. They are nasty, short-ranged, compression weapons that are great at taking out models in cover. Depending on how the units work out in the game I may buy another one to use to expand these two units with more models.

The third unit is a Boromite Engineering Team with three Engineers, three Borer probes and an Auto Workshop. The Borers help in close combat and can also be used to dig up entrenchments to add temporary cover to the unit. The Auto Workshop is used to generate a cloud of nano-probes that help repair nearby machines. The Engineers can also be equipped with Vorpal Charges which is a ball of magnetically contained anti-matter that can be directed at an enemy unit but then randomly moves across the field wreaking havoc. It sounds more like something the Ghar would use. It is a crazy weapon to use but it is great at taking out vehicles or large drones.

The Auto Workshop is a metal and resin model. It went together quite well and it is really quite a neat looking model. It has an oddness to it that is common to the Boromite tech in the game. It really makes it stand out from the sleek Concord tech or the organic curves of the Isorians. The model would also work well in a Steampunk game so if I ever bring out my In Her Majesty’s Name warbands I might add it.

Next up are two squads of Freeborn Privateers. Hopefully, by the time they are assembled my order from Warlord Games will arrive and I can start working on assembling those as well.



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