Oathmark campaign game 3: armies and battle

Campaign game 3 map
Campaign game 3 map

So after some delay I am getting in my third solo game of Oathmark. The Elves won the second game and after a roll for the battle type I am left with a Territorial Dispute. The Elves are attempting to attack to the north of the Iron Mines to cut off the Dwarves there from support. If they win, the Elves will be able to add a

The Elves and Dwarves will be playing Chance Engagement. Each side begins with three units on the table and then can move additional units on the table. This is going to be problematic for the Goblins.

Once again, I will be playing 2000 point forces.

Elf Army
Elf Army

This is going to be a mono-elf list for no other reason than I have a lot more painted Elf models and I want to use them. I also want to test to see how a mono-faction force would work in the game.

Dwarf army
Dwarf army

The force will use some Dwarf units as proxies. The archers are actually Handgunners and the Heavy Catapult will be a Dwarf cannon. There will still be large blocks of Goblin troops to try to wear down the Elves and a unit of cavalry to try to get around the flank of the Elves to try and cause some trouble.

I will be setting up the game later today and hope to get in the first few turns this evening.

So the force has only a single unpainted unit. The Elven Linebreakers are ready to get painted and will be next on the painting table. The Elven cavalry are still ‘on loan’ from a friend. I am still trying to get my hands on some old GW cavalry models.



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