Conquest update

Is there any time of year better than tax season? Due to my semi-retired status I tend to get a refund each year and this tax season is no different. It isn’t a lot mind you but it is enough for me to pick up a few new toys that aren’t normally within my budget. This year I picked up some Conquest minis to fill out the models that I got from Zach from the Conquest: First Blood two-player starter. I tried to pick up a few of the character models (the Archimandrite and Hierodeacon specifically) but the game has become quite popular in Edmonton and most stores were sold out of the character models.

The new additions to the force are a box of Bone Golems and Karyatids. Both are amazing looking models and add a great deal of the faction’s flavour to the force. I have been assembling minis for the last few days and have six Morai, six Kheris, five Praetorian Guard (one is assembled as a standard bearer and will be used as part of the retinue for the Strategos) and a single Bone Golem. Once I get the Legionnaires and a Karyatid done I will be ready to play some games.

I also picked up the Army Painter Speedpaint Most Wanted set. It comes with 24 paints, including some metallic colours, and some of the Speedpaint medium. The later is quite important because it is the main tool you use to create speedpaint glazes as well as wet-blend the paints. Next step is to get some black and white spray primer and then do a three-part zenithal highlight of the models and start painting.

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