Frostgrave game 3

Twin B and I had our first game last night. I had to create a new warband after Twin A turned my Wizard and Apprentice into zombie-chow in the previous game. I created a Thaumaturge to try to temper the evil power that is Twin A but also because it doesn't appear to share a... Continue Reading →

Frostgrave game 2

Last night, Twin A and I sat down to play our first game of Frostgrave. She had her Necromancer warband and I had my Enchanter with her Apprentice Tim. I will admit right away that the terrain placement wasn't the best. Happily for her, that seemed to impact me the most as she used her... Continue Reading →

Frostgrave henchmen finished

We all finished assembling our crews for Frostgrave. Each of the twins took an evening to first purchase the members of their crew and then building the miniatures from them. We all used figures from the Soldiers and Soldiers II sets as well as some accessories from the Cultist and Wizard II sets. Twin A... Continue Reading →

Frostgrave: wizards built

Last night the twins and I spent some time assembling our Wizards and Apprentices from the Frostgrave Wizards II boxed set. Twin A built her Necromancer and added a 'shrugging' pose to her Apprentice. Apparently the Apprentice messes up a lot. Oddly Twin B used the same heads as her sister when she was building... Continue Reading →

Frostgrave: the beginning

So recently Osprey Publishing released a free electronic version of their FrostgraveĀ rules. I have looked at the rules from time to time but have been put off by the amount of terrain the game seems to require as well as the number of wandering monsters that you'd need. Given the current situation it seemed that... Continue Reading →

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