Frostgrave: wizards built

Last night the twins and I spent some time assembling our Wizards and Apprentices from the Frostgrave Wizards II boxed set.

Frostgrave Wizards II
Frostgrave Wizards II

Twin A built her Necromancer and added a ‘shrugging’ pose to her Apprentice. Apparently the Apprentice messes up a lot.


Oddly Twin B used the same heads as her sister when she was building her Chronomancer and Apprentice. I am not sure how they managed that.


The kit includes quite a few accessories that you can add to your spellcaster to mark their particular type. So Twin B added an hourglass to represent the fact that the mage is a Chronomancer.

I was looking for a theme for my two spellcasters and found it when I saw the two heads wearing hats. These seem like proper women who have decided to maintain their sense of fashion even when exploring the wilds.


I wanted to keep my figures free from additional accessories as I want to paint them in some bright colours and perhaps add some freehand designs to the cloaks. Something about the hats make them look older and more established than the other models.

The female wizards sprues were up to the same standards as the other Frostgrave sprues I have used so far. There are a lot of parts and accessories left over on each sprue so opportunities for customizing other figure abound. The only issue I ran into was that I was frequently getting the orientation of the hands incorrect and trying to put two left or two right hands on the same figure. Twin B did it as well.

There are two bodies left and I am going to be using them to make an Elven Mage for Oathmark from one or perhaps both of them.

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