A wealth of Xmas additions

The tree is nearing the end of its run in the living room and New Year’s Day is fast approaching. I was quite lucky this year and got a few new games to add to the collection and also finally pulled together the cash to pick up some used games from a local gamer to supplement the presents I received.


The first used game I picked up was a copy of SPQR Deluxe 2nd Edition from GMT Games. I was already punched and clipped so all I needed to do was to sort the counters into trays. This does mean that I am down to my final few trays though. The set also includes the Simple GBOH rules as well as the Simple GBOH Battle Pack. I finally decided to pull the trigger on the game based on some videos I watched. The game is really defined by its command system and that is what makes it an interesting game.

I haven’t read the Simple GBOH rules but, for whatever reason, I am not finding the SPQR rules all that complicated.

Wars of Marcus Aurelius

Wars of Marcus Aurelius is a solo title from Hollandspiele. It looks like an interesting title and a change from some of the more complex solo titles I have (see below). I quite like Hollandspile games but they are quite expensive to get new here in Canada so when I have a chance to get them used I jump on them.

Bayonets & Tomahawks

I also picked up a used copy of Bayonets & Tomahawks 2nd edition from GMT. I grabbed this primarily because it has received some rave reviews, and a recent award, but it is also in a theatre that none of the folks I game with have games. So it will be a unique addition.

Storm above the Reich

Storm above the Reich was my Xmas present this year. And yes, I was given one game and I bought three for myself. This is the second game in a, currently, trilogy of solo games from GMT where you play campaigns using squadrons of fighters trying to defend against waves of enemy bombers. Skies above Britain, which is currently on my table being played, models the air war during the Battle of Britain and is a simpler game that Storm above the Reich or Skies above the Reich. They are similar systems but Skies above Britain has fewer complicated rules since the bomber formations that the Germans used were much smaller and less well-organized. It is a complex game and I will be getting to it once I have played Skies above Britain a few times.

Anything else?

Well I pocked up four of the Token Silo cases I mentioned earlier as well as some card sleeves to use for Storm above the Reich. My game table is already a bit crowded as I have a scenario set up for Last Blitzkrieg as well as a scenario from my Space Infantry solo campaign and once I am finished one of them I will set up for a full campaign game using Skies above Britain.

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