More fantasy naval painting

The Orc fleet is taking form as I am in the final stage of finishing the painting. I need to finish the sails and then seal them. The sails are probably going to take some work as I need to shade them and then paint a pattern into the sails. I want something bold and eye-catching as these are the only ships I currently have that use sails.

Once those are done I have a few more vessels to paint and then a giant and a bastion. I noticed a few new Orc ships at the store last night and picked those up as well but I am not sure when I will get to them. I also have a small stash of Dragon Lord figures on hold at the store and those might be getting painted soon.

The Orcs so far
The Orcs so far
The painting table
The painting table
The frigates as very wee
The frigates as very wee

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